I have been reflecting on this journey to compete. Its exhilarating, and exhausting. Its all I can think about.
It has really taken me by surprise the sudden resistance I have come up against.
It seems as I get closer to my goal I have to fight harder then ever. The mental part of preparing for a competition can make you feel like you are going crazy some days. I fight to control my thoughts, to keep them focused and where they should be. I tell myself I am an athlete, this is what I do, and I tell myself its easy even though my body is begging me to stop.
I love the the song Champion In Me from Three Doors Down. Thats what all of us are that are fighting for our dreams, we are champions.
While I am doing my long cardio sessions I like to zone out and imagine my new body in vivid detail. What I am going to look like in my suit and heels on that stage, the music, the feeling of exhilaration. These things help keep my mind where it needs to be. I am great at visualizing but remembering my phone number, or how to spell, or where I put my keys... not so much. :P
Then I have to fight against friends and family. They just don't get it. They just don't understand how important this is, they seem to think of it as a beauty or bikini contest. They don't realize the intense training and dieting and discipline this takes. They want to know why I can't have some cake, or even or even a sandwich and seem to get some kick out of bringing their food around, knowing I can't have it.
Not to mention all the regular things life throws your way. You really have to dig down deep to stay focused and on track. The best thing is all this fighting strengthens you, you learn you can do things you never thought you could. You feel amazing after a workout. Seeing your body change is just an incredible feeling, I don't want to miss a workout because I want to see what my body looks like tomorrow!
If you have enough desire and belief in your dream, you will fight with everything you have, and thats when you become a champion!
Heres to all the champions fighting for their dreams!! :D
14 years ago